Stories from soft prosthetics users in Sierra Leone

Global Disability Innovation Hub, Koalaa
June 5, 2024

This event has been postponed. We intend to reschedule a digital activity in the coming weeks and will update this page as soon as we have a date confirmed.

Koalaa - the story of affordable, easy to fit, soft upper limb prosthetic in Seirra Leone. This event will include a panel discussion and film screening from BBC Media Seirra Leone, who have captured the experiences of Koalaa prosethetic users in Seirra Leone.

It's estimated 97% of amputees globally are without a prosthetic. In Sierra Leone the concentration of amputees is roughly 15x the global average. Prosthetics in low- and middle-income countries are often expensive, uncomfortable, with limited functionality. A lack of infrastructure and clinicians compounds access problems. Koalaa's modular, tailorable in-a-box solution is up to 20x cheaper then traditional approaches.

As part of the UK aid funded AT2030 programme, the innovative Koalaa prosethetic was introduced for the first time to Africa. During this film screening and panel we'll hear more on the project to drive end-to-end service from manufacturing to fitting and maintenance. We'll hear how Koalaa are working with local partners to test and refine products for local preferences, and developing key partnerships to aid scalability and navigation of regulatory systems.

This event will include:

  • Films screening: with x3 users sharing more on their experiences with Koalaa prosethetics
  • Panel discussion: hearing from the team behind Koalaa and the AT2030 programme to bring this innovative solutions into new markets

We'll hear more on the experience of bringing this innovation into an African market for the first time, and what's next. Register to join the event.