Transforming access
AT2030 seeks to transform access to life-changing assistive technology (AT) such as wheelchairs, prosthetics, hearing aids and glasses by creating partnerships and testing innovative approaches to get AT to those who need it the most.
75 more strategic tools developed to increase AT capacity
15 more innovative service delivery models
Double the initial investment through partner match funding
80 more peer-reviewed journal articles published
60 more AT Ventures supported for sustainable growth
Reach 9 million more people directly and 12 million more indirectly through increased access to AT
30 more AT innovations on track to scale
45 more countries or organisations implementing AT2030 funded ideas
50 more partnerships supported to increase AT capacity
10 more ventures supported to scale innovation
38 more innovative ATs supported
38 more pilots, strategies or initiatives at the country, regional or global level
22 more innovation ecosystem development interventions
120 more influencing papers, answering critical research questions