Can AI help Africa close the development gap? [financial times piece explores how our AT2030 programme has tested the google relate app]

Global Disability Innovation Hub
Oct. 21, 2024

The Google Relate app is artificial intelligence-enabled technology developed by Google to help people with non-standard speech. With the app freely availible in Ghana, the Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub) UK aid funded AT2030 programme has trained local speech and language therapists to use the app - creating he opportunity to test and research how app currently used, how could the app be used in future, and how it could be improved.

With Google taking on findings on the research, and an award winning paper produced by GDI Hub's Academic Research Centre and the AT2030 programme, mobile as AT is continuing to emerge as a dynamic opportunity to change lives.

A number of follow up awards have been made by Google to support the implementation of this app, inlcuding expanding in Ghana to support other local languages, building research and evidence, and to support the rollout of Google Relate in two other African countries.

As ongoing collaboration between GDI Hub, AT2030, UCL & Google continue, the potential to bring together knowledge and impact continues. We know there is significant potential for wider implementation.

This work was partially funded by an unrestricted gift from Google.

Read the article in full on the Financial Times website.


Image of the financial times news piece web page - with photo of a participant speaking into a mobile, and an app being used.