It is estimated that by 2050 over 3.5 billion people would benefit from Assistive Technology, yet 90% will not have access.

AT2030 is changing that. 


It is estimated that by 2050 over 3.5 billion people would benefit from Assistive Technology, yet 90% will not have access.

AT2030 is changing that. 

AT2030 tests ‘what works’ to improve access to life-changing Assistive Technology (AT) for all. Led by Global Disability Innovation Hub and funded by UK aid, we've reached 34 million people in 61 countries, driving a lifetime of potential. In 2023 UK aid announced a further £31 million investment to the AT2030 programme.

Coming soon...

Accessible and Assistive Technology Growth Fund

The worlds most ambitious scaling pathway for high-potential growth-ready accessible & assistive technology ventures. Transcending a new frontier for venture capital and commercial lending in AT, we’re power mass market adoption of Accessible Technology through public and private capital.

It's time to think big. Find out more.

Mobile as AT Day

GDI Hub. Image of the AT2030 Mobile as AT project in Kenya.

Programme Clusters

The current programme (AT2030 version 3) is divided into five Programme Clusters and 13 sub-programmes to test ‘what works’ for AT. For more about AT2030 version 1 and 2 and our delivery between 2018 and 2024 - visit the about section.

AT2030 Inclusive Infrastructure - six cities

We've researched inclusive city design in 6 global cities to understand the current challenges, the opportunities, what's working well and what isn’t. To get AT to people who need it, the built environment must be inclusive, easy to use and navigate. Hear from the cities involved, and the next steps.

Find out more.


  • Exploring Information Needs for Tracking to Support Using Wheelchairs in Everyday Life

    Catherine Holloway, Aneesha Singh, Wen Mo
    July 9, 2024
    Academic Research Publications

    This study contributes by delineating the unmet information needs in wheelchair tracking and advocating for more research interests to develop and design tracking tools in Human-Computer Interactions (HCI) that enrich the everyday experiences of wheelchair users.

  • Collection of the Inclusive Design and Accessibility of the built environment research

    Global Disability Innovation Hub
    June 13, 2024
    Case Studies and Reports

    A collection of the case studies from the Inclusive Design and Accessibility of the Built Environment research.

  • A Systematic Review of Ability-diverse Collaboration through Ability-based Lens in HCI

    Catherine Holloway, Tigmanshu Bhatnagar, Maryam Bandukda, Lan Xiao, Katrin Angerbauer, Weiyue Lin, Michael Sedlmair
    May 11, 2024
    Academic Research Publications

    This paper offers an analysis of 117 papers sourced from the ACM Digital Library spanning the last two decades. It contributes (1) a unified taxonomy and the Ability-Diverse Collaboration Framework, (2) a reflective discussion and mapping of the current design space, and (3) future research opportunities and challenges. Finally, we have released our data and analysis tool to encourage the HCI research community to contribute to this ongoing effort.

  • Enhancing Communication Equity: Evaluation of an Automated Speech Recognition Application in Ghana

    Catherine Holloway, Giulia Barbareschi, Richard Cave, Gifty Ayoka
    May 11, 2024
    Academic Research Publications

    In Ghana people who struggle to articulate speech as a result of different conditions experience barriers in interacting with others due to difficulties in being understood. Automatic speech recognition software can be used to help listeners understand people with communication difficulties. However, studies have not looked at the practical feasibility of these technologies beyond the Global North. We present a novel user study examining the introduction of one such technology, Google Project Relate, to Ghana.

  • The Story of Khadijatu Bangura

    March 31, 2024
    Sierra Leone

    Globally, there remains a significant need for affordable and comfortable prosthetics that can aid independence, inclusivity and health equity. This is particularly true in areas that have experienced conflict, and within lower/middle income countries. Working with governments, charities and other key partners on the ground to provide access to our prosthetics, in areas of the world that need them the most, is the focus of our dedicated Global Access Team. We have been lucky enough to secure a grant as part of the Assistive Technology Impact Fund (ATIF), under the banner of AT2030, which aims to increase access to assistive technology of all kinds, all over the world.

  • Spotlight on Sierra Leone – Meet Santos

    March 31, 2024
    Sierra Leone

    There is a significant need for prosthetics, coupled with a lack of access and also a strong stigma around having limb differences. Below is a video of Santos.

  • A Journey with Technology

    Harrison Kamau
    March 8, 2024

    What makes Felista's adjustment remarkable is the user-friendly design of her device, especially its short applications that simplify tasks, such as efficient navigation. The training she received on utilizing voice commands with Google has proven to be a positive change, enabling her to effortlessly send voice messages.

  • Digital assistive technology - Joseph's story

    Harrison Kamau
    March 8, 2024

    John Mwangi's story serves as a realistic portrayal of the intersection between technology and disability, showcasing the everyday impact on individuals' lives. It echoes a larger narrative unfolding on a global scale, where smartphones are emerging as powerful tools to transform the lives of persons with disabilities.

  • AT2030 launches innovative startup accelerator dedicated to early-stage assistive technology ventures in Asia

    Global Disability Innovation Hub
    March 27, 2024

    The intense three-month program beginning July 2024 will include expert talks, time-bound exercises, bespoke mentorship and building a network to a prolific ecosystem of entrepreneurs, disability and tech experts, assistive technology users, customers and investors. The program aims to boost early-stage entrepreneurs in transforming solutions into compelling businesses.

  • How AT2030 has facilitated a 94% price reduction to power access to life-changing hearing aids

    Global Disability Innovation Hub, UNICEF
    March 4, 2024

    In 2021 as part of the UK aid funded AT2030 programme, the Global Disability Innovation Hub and UNICEF were able to add hearing aids to the UNICEF Supply Catalogue for the first time. The catalogue enables governments around the world to access competitively priced and procured products - offering low-cost high-quality solutions for the first time. In Rwanda alone, a 94% reduction has been achieved.

  • Seeking growth-stage ventures for new Assistive and Accessible Tech Growth Fund. It's time to think big.

    Global Disability Innovation Hub
    Feb. 21, 2024

    There is a gap in the disability innovation space. The market for investing in accessible technology is focussed on pre-seed and seed phase companies. To accelerate mass market adoption of Accessible Technology we must think bigger. Accessible Technology is growth stage ready. The Accessible & Assistive Technology Growth Fund (AT Growth Fund) will transcend a new frontier for venture capital and commercial lending in the disability innovation sphere.

  • Signvrse Wins Prestigious Innovation Award and National Business Competition

    Harrison Kamau
    Dec. 21, 2023

    In a groundbreaking recognition of innovation and inclusivity, Signvrse, previously known as Veezaviz, achieved remarkable success at the Kenya Innovation Week (KIW) 2023, Commonwealth Edition. Co-founder Elly Savatia was honored with the esteemed Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Innovation for Sustainable Development Awards, spotlighting the exceptional strides made by this tech pioneer.

  • Disability Innovation in Pakistan

    Maryam Bandukda
    June 21, 2024

    GDI Hub is working alongside global and local partners in Pakistan through our work with the Asian Development Bank, our UKAid-funded AT2030 programme, and our academic research and innovation acceleration. Last week, GDI Hub’s Dr Maryam Bandukda and Pollyanna Wardrop visited Islamabad and Karachi in Pakistan to speak with partners and stakeholders with expertise in and delivery of capacity building, AT innovation, inclusive employment, economic inclusion, and the social welfare of people with disabilities.

  • Uniting Nations: Breaking Stigma Through Para Sports and Assistive Technology in Malawi

    Harrison Kamau, Diane Bell
    Dec. 19, 2023

    The Malawi Paralympic Committee (MPC) has successfully implemented the I'mPOSSIBLE education package to support inclusive education, including physical education, in almost 200 schools.  Additionally, it helps identify potential for the upcoming generation of para-athletes from Malawi.  During our visit, we participated in a Knowledge Exchange Forum between teachers involved in the implementation of the I’mPOSSIBLE (localised) toolkit held at the Bingu National Stadium.  We also visited the new training facility of the MPC, experienced inclusive sports activities at Lilongwe LEA Primary School, and participated in a workshop with I’mPOSSIBLE teachers to capture impactful stories of success emanating from the implementation of the programme.

  • Communicating inclusive design in different ways - a story from Medellín, Colombia

    Global Disability Innovation Hub
    Dec. 18, 2023

    Between December 2022 and July 2023, GDI Hub’s Inclusive Design team worked in Medellín, Colombia as one of our AT2030 Inclusive infrastructure case study cities - where we created graphics and videos to communicate the key findings of the project to diverse audiences, in both English and Spanish. This blog showcases these graphics.

  • Exploring the Frontiers of Assistive Technology: Takeaways from the ATScale`s Convening Event and Remarkable Tech Summit

    International Disability Alliance, Nayem Molla
    Oct. 25, 2023

    International Disability Alliance - Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub)’s Assistive Technology User Fellow, Nayem Molla, attended ATscale convening event on digital assistive technology and employment, and the Remarkable Tech Summit on inclusive innovation in San Diego, California from 2-5 October 2023. The events brought together diverse stakeholders from across sectors and geographies to drive progress and lead discussions to shape the future of assistive technology.

  • Innovation Podcast

    Global Disability Innovation Hub, University College London, Giulia Barbareschi, Government of Kenya, ALL Institute (Maynooth University), UK Aid, UCL, Rhys Williams, Dr Rhys Williams, Institute of Making
    Feb. 15, 2021

    A podcast featuring interviews and stories from the brains behind the disruptive and cutting-edge innovations that are aiming to impact the lives of millions of people living in different areas of the world.

  • COSP17 Digital Side Event: Six cities - Why Inclusive Infrastructure matters for Assistive Technology, Climate and Inclusion

    Global Disability Innovation Hub
    June 12, 2024
    4.30 BST

    Getting assistive technology to people who need it is only successful if the built environment supports its use. To create an enabling environment, the intersectional challenges experienced by disabled people must be recognized and addressed. This side event will share findings and experiences, exploring emerging themes and recommendations and how these insights will accelerate other cities towards inclusive futures.

  • COSP17 - in person side event. Unlock the Everyday: The power of partnership to achieve access to assistive technology

    Global Disability Innovation Hub, ATscale, UNICEF, International Disability Alliance
    June 12, 2024

    Organized by UNICEF, ATscale, International Disability Alliance, and the Global Disability Innovation Hub, and co-sponsored by Australia, the United States, and Rwanda, this COSP17 side event promises to be an illuminating exploration of the power of partnership to achieve universal access to assistive technology.

  • Stories from soft prosthetics users in Sierra Leone

    Global Disability Innovation Hub, Koalaa
    June 5, 2024

    This event has been postponed. We intend to reschedule a digital activity in the coming weeks. The story of affordable, easy to fit, soft upper limb prosthetic in Seirra Leone. This event will include a panel discussion and film screening from BBC Media Seirra Leone, who have captured the experiences of Koalaa prosethetic users in Seirra Leone. As part of the UK aid funded AT2030 programme, the innovative Koalaa prosethetic was introduced for the first time to Africa. During this film screening and panel we'll hear more on the project to drive end-to-end service from manufacturing to fitting and maintenance.

  • Attvaran accelerator.

    Global Disability Innovation Hub
    March 29, 2024
    7pm IST​

    In the heart of India's burgeoning tech landscape, the Global Disability Innovation Hub, IIT Delhi and Manush Labs new innovative startup accelerator will be dedicated to early-stage assistive technology ventures and inclusive solutions. Titled Attvaran - the intense three-month accelerator aims to boost early-stage entrepreneurs in transforming solutions into compelling businesses. The programme will include expert talks, time-bound exercises, bespoke mentorship and building a network to a prolific ecosystem of entrepreneurs, disability and tech experts, assistive technology users, customers and investors.

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