Assistive technology innovators across emerging markets

The Assistive Technology (AT) map is the first-of-its-kind visualisation of key innovators and stakeholders in the assistive technology and disability innovation ecosystem across emerging markets to be published by a consortium of public and private actors. The map puts a spotlight on the different types of digital tech-driven and inclusivity-focused start-ups and organisations that are creating state of the art solutions for people with disabilities in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia from prosthetics to digital sign language software. As one of the most underexplored and nascent spaces in the tech-scene globally, the AT landscape is beginning to show business viability and attract funding, investment, and resources. This study aims at being a critical initial step in this direction. 

The map has been produced together with GDI Hub and Briter Bridges. The map is open source so designed to be used by others and designed to be contributed to by others. 

You can download the map as a pdf, download the data in an accessible table or view, filter, and search through an interactive and accessible version of this below. 



Assistive technology taxonomy

Icon Disability Innovation Definition
Computers, tablets and mobile devices icon Computers, tablets and mobile devices Modified or alternative keyboards, special software, input and output devices, alternative access aids and other devices and/or accessibility software solutions specifically designed to enable people with disabilities to use computers and elements of an app, software or websites.
Self care icon Self care Assistive tools and devices that compensate for impairments and functional limitations and enable a quicker, safer or more efficient performance of self-care needs (e.g. feeding, dressing, bathing, grooming and personal hygiene routines)
Other icon Other Organisations and platforms that promote and support a more disability inclusive world.
Mobility icon Mobility Devices that support or enhance body functions such as balance, navigation, daily life activities and being independent.
Tactile design icon Tactile design Consists of surfaces manufactured with materials or elements that enable users to use the sense of touch to interact with any device or interface.
Built environment icon Built environment Buildings and spaces that are designed in a way that enables people with disabilities to participate in and navigate those environments
Cognition icon Cognition Electronic and non-electronic devices that support and/or enhance thinking, memory, sensory processing and emotional processing.
Vision icon Vision Devices that replace vision loss, enhance impaired vision or enhance vision.
Screening & diagnostics services icon Screening & diagnostics services Apps, software and devices that help to identify impairments that can be disabling so that AT or medical interventions can be prescribed.
Hearing icon Hearing Devices that amplify, interpret, filter or attenuate sound for individuals who have hearing or cognitive impairments. Devices that enhance hearing (amplify).
Prosthetics & orthotics icon Prosthetics & orthotics Prostheses are devices that replace a lost limb. Orthoses provide support and stability to any part of the body. Prostheses and orthoses can focus on providing comfort, control, function, and aesthetics.
Navigation icon Navigation Hardware and software that interprets the built environment to help people navigate using audio, physical and/or visual feedback.
Communication icon Communication Augmentative and alternative communication (ACC) tools (non-electronic devices, electronic devices and software) provide a way for communication that enables social connection and interaction. Typically, communication can be via text to speech, text, symbols or a combination.
Education icon Education Tools and software that help people in education systems to participate in learning.
Finance icon Finance Apps, websites and Fintech software that are specifically designed to help people living with disabilities to purchase AT, manage their finances, and be included and supported by financial systems and institutions.
Digital therapy icon Digital therapy Digital solutions for accessing therapeutic services
Sign language systems icon Sign language systems Sign Language tools and solutions help people with hearing impairments/ Deafness to communicate
Inclusive employment icon Inclusive employment Platforms that facilitate access to employment for people with disabilities.
Travel icon Travel Platforms that facilitate access to disability-friendly travel opportunities.

The table below shows the results after applying the specified filters.