3. Incubate

Develop & test tech inspired solutions.

We’ll test future tech inspired solutions developing vehicles for venture acceleration while building home-grown talent.

Our innovation arm GDI Hub Accelerate will offer a safe space for start-ups to rapidly explore new concepts. Developing capacity in country to deliver AT accelerators and ecosystem interventions, we’ll support AT ventures through early-stage pathways, while developing knowledge outputs, innovation insights and papers.

Our new innovation fellowship programme will incubate talent through grants, developing an interdisciplinary global forum and seed funding – alongside a six-month virtual accelerator programme. Building mechanisms for support, in-person training will be delivered alongside ecosystem alignment to provide channels for finance and partnership, and bridges to other  research, innovation, and entrepreneurship programmes.

Incubate sub programmes:

  • GDI Accelerate
  • Innovate Fellowship Programme

Image of Brian Mwenda launching his startup in London


  • Image of prosthetic user playing football against a warm sunset Cover Image

    Stories from soft prosthetics users in Sierra Leone

    Global Disability Innovation Hub, Koalaa
    June 5, 2024

    This event has been postponed. We intend to reschedule a digital activity in the coming weeks. The story of affordable, easy to fit, soft upper limb prosthetic in Seirra Leone. This event will include a panel discussion and film screening from BBC Media Seirra Leone, who have captured the experiences of Koalaa prosethetic users in Seirra Leone. As part of the UK aid funded AT2030 programme, the innovative Koalaa prosethetic was introduced for the first time to Africa. During this film screening and panel we'll hear more on the project to drive end-to-end service from manufacturing to fitting and maintenance.