AT2030 Inclusive Infrastructure Film: Six Cities, One Park!
On the 13th and 14th of September 2023, GDI Hub held its Disability Innovation Summit at our offices on the UCL East campus on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, east London. This international event provided the perfect moment for the AT2030 Inclusive Infrastructure team to bring representatives from the six cities they have been researching over the past 3 years together, in person, for the first time.
Inclusive Infrastructure, a sub-programme of the UK Aid funded AT2030 programme, has been researching inclusive city design across 6 global cities from developing countries to understand what the current challenges are, what are the opportunities, what is working well and what isn’t to support progress. This strand of work recognises that getting assistive technology (AT) to people who need it is only successful if the built environment supports its use. We all need the built environment to respond to our needs, to be inclusive, easy to use and navigate.
Bringing our local partners and government representatives together from all six cities, on to the site of the most successful Paralympic Games in history was a monumental occasion, one not lost on the team. To mark the occasion, we commissioned local film maker Chris Lynch of Diverse Media to make a short film to document the time spent together. This is available now on our You Tube channel.
As the Inclusive Infrastructure research enters its final phase, we used our time together to dicuss the findings from across each city, validate the key learning outcomes, emerging themes and recommendations while also considering how the final outputs should be presented to maximise their reach and impact. The collective good will, positive spirit and camaraderie was palpable and it was an honour to host such a diverse and unique gathering.
We hope you enjoy the film…as much as the group enjoyed their experience on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and the London Stadium in particular!