Multi-stakeholder Partnerships in Education and Assistive Technology: Transforming education and employment opportunities for children and young people with disabilities

Global Disability Innovation Hub, UNICEF, ATscale
Sept. 20, 2024
8pm BST

This Summit of the Future side-event being held at the UN in New York aims to explore how multi-stakeholder partnerships in Education and Assistive Technology can transform education and employment opportunities for children and young people with disabilities. Through positive story telling and showcasing innovative solutions, we seek to demonstrate the power of working together in partnership to realize the promise of the SDGs and leave no one behind.

The session is co-hosted by: Government of the United States, Government of Rwanda, ATscale, the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the International Disability Alliance (IDA), Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub), UNOPS, and UNICEF.

The event will feature a diverse group of speakers sharing real-world solutions. Keynotes and panel discussions will address challenges and opportunities in assistive technology, particularly in education and employment. Young people with lived experience will also share personal stories, underscoring the critical role of assistive technology in their education.

Background description:

Globally, children with disabilities are among the most marginalized in access to education. Many children and young people who need assistive technology but do not have it are more likely to be out of school than those who do, and commonly do not receive the education they need. 

Inclusion is key to realize the promise of the SDGs and leave no one behind. There will not be full inclusion while children are unable to participate and learn, including due to limited access to assistive technology (AT). Therefore, building inclusive education systems where each child is safe at school and can fully participate and learn is essential

The economic benefits of assistive technology are broad: for every dollar invested in providing AT, there is a $9 return, making it an essential tool for both individual empowerment and societal economic growth.

Beyond these economic benefits, AT is vital to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It supports SDG 4 (quality education) and SDG 8 (decent work) by enabling access to education and employment for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, AT is crucial for realizing SDG 5 (gender equality) by empowering women and girls, and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) by helping to reduce disparities within and among countries, advancing a more inclusive and equitable global community.

More information can be found in the concept note 

About the Action Days:

To generate additional opportunities for the engagement of all actors, the UN Secretary General is convening the Summit of the Future Action Days on 20 and 21 September 2024 at UN HQ in New York. Bringing together representatives from Member States, civil society, private sector, academia, local and regional authorities, youth, and many more, the Action Days will provide an opportunity for broad engagement and inclusion. These stakeholders have all played a key role in shaping the Pact for the Future and will be critical to its implementation.

The Action Days will kick off with a dedicated, youth-led afternoon on 20 September and have dedicated focus on future generations and this is when we host our side event. The day will be convened under the theme of “#YouthLead for the Future: We believe in the promise of a better world for all”. Expected participants include Heads of State, Ministers, senior UN officials and representatives from the private sector, civil society and other actors.

You can also watch live: virtual on UN Web TV

Speakers include:

Opening Remarks by Jorge Moreira da Silva, Under-Secretary General and UNOPS Executive Director 

Keynote Address  by H.E. Ernest Rwamucyo, Permanent Representative of Rwanda  to the United Nations in New York

Panel discussion moderated by: Saima Saleem, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations, New YorkPanelists:

  • Gauranshi Sharma, UNICEF Youth Advocate, India

  • Tianarivelo Gilardy Totozandry, UNICEF Youth Advocate, Madagascar

  • Sylvain Obedi, Founder and Executive Director, Enable the Disable Action, Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Elizabeth McGuinness, Gender and Disability Researcher, Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub)

  • Anna Bella Sabilah, Youth Leader, Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Indonesia

  • Pascal Bijleveld, CEO, ATscale, Global Partnership for Assistive Technology

Closing Remarks by Noah Bernstein, Chief Operating Officer, Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub)

For more information, please visit:

Watch the full recording of the UN Summit of the Future side event

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