Summary of Inclusive Design and Accessibility of the Built Environment in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mikaela Patrick, Iain McKinnon, Vicki Austin, Global Disability Innovation Hub, AIFO, Tegsh Niigem, Universal Progress ILC
Oct. 22, 2020
Case Studies and Reports

Background information

Launching the first of six global case studies on Inclusive Infrastructure, the first being in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; the GDI Hub working with AIFO, Tegsh Niigem and Universal Progress ILC with funding from the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office is conducting research on the state of accessibility and inclusion in the built environment.

This summary of the case study series is being developed to understand global priorities for inclusive design within the UK Aid funded Inclusive Infrastructure AT2030 programme; to build evidence on the awareness, understanding, acceptance, application and experience of Inclusive Design and accessible environments globally, particularly in lower and middle-income countries.